Weblogic 10.3 Heap Size (does not allow 3072mb)
Has anyone experienced a similar issue? In tuning Weblogic 10.3 R27.6.0-50 for Windows, we were trying various values for the heap size.
Startup jRockit options:
[sourcecode language=“jscript”] -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m [/sourcecode]
We were setting both values to the same.
1024m = worked 2048m = worked 3072m = did not work 4096m = worked
Did anyone experience a similar problem in allocating? Is there something special about 3072MB?
Update from Sept. 28th, 2010:
When we tried this additional property in the start-up parameter the 3GB option works:
You can learn more about that parameter here.