jQuery Accordian Internet Explorer 6 Issue

If you are using the Accordian UI from jQuery and your accordion body (the content in div.ui-accordion-content tag) contains anchor tags then you might experience a few glitches in IE6 where the display might not render properly when selected. One way to address this issue is the following: Add this to the header… [sourcecode language=“jscript”] [/sourcecode] This will force a refresh of the content when expanded. The other thing that you may not have is a doctype defined in the header.

Neat little tool for your browser toolkit - GrabNZip.com

Found a neat little browser download helper tool. It’s one that I’ll be using and it’s definitely a tool to add to your browser toolkit bookmarks. Ever been in a situation where you wanted to download a file at the office but the particular extension is not allowed at the company. Well, this tool might help you in those situations. It’s called Grab-N-Zip (http://www.GrabNZip.com) You enter your URL to the file that you are trying to “grab” from the internet.

Scala compile message - Class file or Jar is broken

Sometimes when compiling my Scala code, the compiler output may need a little bit of help in sorting out what’s the real issue. For example, when I compiled today I received the following error: [sourcecode language=“jscript”] [scalac] error: error while loading DefaultHttpClient, class file ‘C:\A_OpenSource\WicketNotesApp\lib\httpclient-4.0.jar(org/apache/http/impl/client/DefaultHttpClient.class)’ is broken [scalac] (class net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe not found.) [scalac] error: error while loading AbstractHttpClient, class file ‘C:\A_OpenSource\WicketNotesApp\lib\httpclient-4.0.jar(org/apache/http/impl/client/AbstractHttpClient.class)’ is broken [scalac] (class net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe not found.) [/sourcecode] And my instinct tells me to focus on the jar file or the class file and in this case, “DefaultHttpClient.

Forwarding to a URL from Wicket

Sometimes we need to forward to a servlet or resource that’s outside of Wicket such as a servlet. Here’s how: Modify your web.xml to define your servlet as well as your Wicket application “ignorePaths” init-param: [sourcecode language=“xml”] Wicket Example MyApplication org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter applicationClassName com.gu.MyApplication wicket.configuration deployment ignorePaths images/,s/ MyApplication /* SomeServlet com.gu.SomeServlet SomeServlet /s/koolkat.do [/sourcecode] The first observation is that Wicket is running as a Filter and not a Servlet.

ContextPath in Apache Wicket

One of the first things I found as I was getting familiar with Wicket is how do you point to resources that are part of a page. Well I did some digging around to find out so I’m documenting it here for others who might be facing the same challenges as they discover Apache Wicket. Problem: You have pages in Wicket that are HTML with “Wicket” tags. But then you might want to point to resources such as CSS style sheets or JavaScript that’s part of a page.

First Date with IntelliJ Community Edition and Scala

Downloaded the Community Edition of IntelliJ a few days ago. Although most J2EE features are not available in the community edition, one of the features that did like was the Scala Plugin. After I downloaded it and added the scala plug-in, I was very impressed with the tool. I have been using Eclipse (a little Netbeans) for most of my Java development and although I have tried the scala plugin that’s available for Eclipse, I wasn’t all that impressed.

Opening a link in a PDF document in a new window

Open Link In PDF In New Window Sometimes you like to link out to other URL’s or other PDF’s from within a PDF document. And you will notice that this replaces the existing HTML frame (if you had served the original PDF from a website) or window with the new document making it hard to navigate. In these cases, you would prefer to open the link in the PDF onto it’s own new window.