How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

How AI algorithms could help design new drugs? - Futurity

A new kind of AI algorithm—designed to work with a small amount of data—may be able to assist in the early stages of drug development. Artificial intelligence doesn’t work all that well in situations where there is very little data, such as drug development. A new technique called one-shot learning, that requires only a small number of data points might be a solution to that low-data problem. To make molecular information more digestible, the researchers first represented each molecule in terms of the connections between atoms (what a mathematician would call a graph).

uvloop - Python replacement for asyncio event loop

uvloop - Python replacement for asyncio event loop

uvloop is a fast, drop-in replacement of the built-in asyncio event loop. uvloop is implemented in Cython and uses libuv under the hood. Benefits: uvloop makes asyncio 2-4x faster. Cons: uvloop is available from PyPI but it requires Python 3.5. (The reason for this is asyncio was introduced in Python 3.4 and above.) Unless your project is based on Python 3.4+ - you may not be able to leverage this library.

Ink in Water, or a Star Going Supernova?

The artist recreates the supernova in an aquarium using some innovative techniques. Watch the film online at the link below :

Disk Space Monitoring – Predict When Full

Disk Space Monitoring – Predict When Full

Many disk and file administration management tools will let you set up alerts to inform you when a server or workstation drive is nearing its maximum capacity. Here are some options on how we can build visualization tools around this. Source: Disk Space Monitoring – Predict When Full | Network Wrangler - Tech Blog

Transmutation of the Storage Administrator : Scott's Blog

Transmutation of the Storage Administrator : Scott's Blog

This article discusses the evolution of the storage administrator in the era of cloud storage. The job (storage administrator) role is changing, not only is there a need to understand storage devices and host connection technologies that knowledge scope is extending to include networking, operating systems and new storage access protocols (like Object)...IBM Spectrum Scale is the logical next step to help storage administrators expand their offering portfolio and provide additional value to their customers.

Spring LDAP Overview | Baeldung

Spring LDAP Overview | Baeldung

Learn how to use the Spring LDAP APIs to authenticate and search for users, as well as to create and modify users in the directory server. Source: Spring LDAP Overview | Baeldung

Set Up a TFTP Server on Linux |

Set Up a TFTP Server on Linux |

Most users are familiar with FTP, but if you want to kickstart Red Hat installs, PXE boot systems, auto-provision VoIP phones or unbrick a Linux-based router, you want a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server. Setting one up on Linux is easy, and a perfect project to take on over the weekend. Source: Weekend Project: Set Up a TFTP Server on Linux | | The source for Linux information

Angular Modules vs ES6 Modules - DZone Web Dev

In this post, you’ll find a quick tutorial explaining the difference between Angular Module and ESG Modules, and how to best use each of these platforms. Here is a quick summary: ES6 Module Example: import { sqrt } from 'math-utils'; const addition = (val1, val2) => val1 + val2; const subtraction = (val1, val2) => val1 - val2; const multiplication = (val1, val2) => val1 * val2; const calculateSquareRoot = (val) => sqrt(val); export { addition, multiplication } Angular Module Example:

An insecure mess: How flawed JavaScript is turning web into a hacker's playground | ZDNet

Researchers say tens of thousands of sites are using JavaScript libraries that are years old and contain publicly known vulnerabilities. An analysis of over 133,000 websites has found that 37 percent of them have at least one JavaScript library with a known vulnerability. There are no reliable vulnerability databases, no security mailing lists maintained by library vendors, few or no details on security issues in release notes, and often, it is difficult to determine which versions of a library are affected by a specific reported vulnerability.

The Future of Web Development: Coding as a Service

The article talks about the comoditization of web development as a service (Coding as a Service - CaaS). For the price of two Venti Iced Caramel Macchiatos per month you can run a respectable website with little to no technical experience... Artificial Intelligence will enable more complex combinations of code to be fit together through an automated process... The quantity and quality of customization with AI will be staggering. And for the end user this means it will be at once simpler and cheaper.

India's Isro launches 104 satellites in a single mission to create world record

India’s Isro’s [] PSLV-C37 in a single payload, included the Cartosat-2 series and 103 co-passenger satellites, together weighing over 650kg Great achievement especially considering only three of the 103 satellites belonged to India making this mission one of the most business sense launch of this century! Kudos to India! Read more about it at the link below. Source: Isro launches 104 satellites in a single mission to create world record - Livemint

Materials science: How to keep cool without costing the Earth

The new film works by a process called radiative cooling. This takes advantage of that fact that Earth’s atmosphere allows certain wavelengths of heat-carrying infrared radiation to escape into space unimpeded. Convert unwanted heat into infrared of the correct wavelength, then, and you can dump it into the cosmos with no come back. …their film, placed atop an average American house, would be enough to keep the internal temperature at 20°C on a day when it was 37°C outside.